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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “águeda Parra” ,找到相关结果约2911条。
Adolescents own perceptions of self-evaluation: Self esteem, self efficacy and life satisfaction
Ma del Carmen Reina,Alfredo Oliva,águeda Parra
Psychology, Society & Education , 2010,
Abstract: In this study we analyse the relationships between three variablesof self-evaluations, being self esteem, self efficacy and life satisfaction. Moreover, we study the evolution of these three aspects during adolescence paying attention to gender differences. The sample was made up of 2400 teenagers aged between 12 and 17 years old taken from 20 high schools in Western Andalusia. In this study we also analyse the relationship between teenager self evaluation and parenting style. Our results show, on one hand, high correlation between self esteem, self efficacy and life satisfaction, and on the other hand, between teenager self evaluationand parenting style. In fact, parental warmth and communication and sense of humor show high correlation with adolescent self evaluation. We also found increasing differences between boys and girls as regards their self esteem, self efficacy and life satisfaction as adolescence progressed. Specifically, little changedwas observed in boys, whereas girls’ self-evaluation decreased with age.
Consumo de sustancias durante la adolescencia:trayectorias evolutivas y consecuencias para el ajuste psicológico
Alfredo Oliva,águeda Parra,Inmaculada Sánchez-Queija
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology , 2008,
Abstract: Este estudio ha perseguido dos objetivos fundamentales: encontrar diferentes trayectorias en el consumo de sustancias a lo largo de la adolescencia y analizar las consecuencias que este consumo en la adolescencia temprana y media tiene para el ajuste emocional y comportamental al final de la adolescencia. El estudio, con un dise o descriptivo longitudinal mediante cuestionarios, se llevó a cabo sobre una muestra de 101 adolescentes (63 varones y 38 mujeres) que fueron estudiados en 3 ocasiones: a los 13, 15 y 18 a os de edad. Los resultados mostraron tres grupos de adolescentes en función de las trayectorias seguidas por su consumo de sustancias: consumo bajo, consumo ascendente y experimentación precoz. La comparación entre estos tres grupos indicó un mejor ajuste psicológico en la adolescencia tardía entre los varones y mujeres del grupo de experimentadores, mientras que los problemas de conducta fueron más frecuentes entre los incluidos en el grupo de consumo ascendente. Por otra parte, los análisis de regresión se alaron que el consumo moderado de sustancias en la adolescencia temprana estaba relacionado con una autoestima más alta y con menos problemas emocionales al final de la adolescencia, pero no con más problemas externos.
Acontecimientos vitales estresantes, estilo de afrontamiento y ajuste adolescente: un análisis longitudinal de los efectos de moderación
Rosa María Estévez Campos,Alfredo Oliva Delgado,águeda Parra Jiménez
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología , 2012,
Abstract: El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la vivencia de los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y los problemas de ajuste emocional y comportamental durante la adolescencia, prestando atención al posible efecto moderador del estilo de afrontamiento. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 90 adolescentes que fueron seguidos durante seis a os, desde su adolescencia media (15-16 a os) hasta la adultez emergente (21-22 a os). Completaron cuestionarios sobre su vivencia de acontecimientos vitales estresantes, su estilo de afrontamiento y sus problemas de ajuste tanto emocionales como comportamentales. En un dise o longitudinal se analizó la evolución de cada estilo de afrontamiento según el sexo y se efectuaron análisis de moderación de las distintas estrategias de afrontamiento en la relación entre estresores vitales y el ajuste adolescente. Los resultados mostraron que las estrategias más aproximativas (búsqueda de ayuda y resolución de problemas) aumentaron con la edad, mientras que las estrategias de evitación (cognitiva y conductual) disminuyeron, aunque sólo algunas trayectorias fueron estadísticamente significativas. Respecto al sexo, las chicas utilizaron con mayor frecuencia estrategias de búsqueda de ayuda. Por otro lado, los análisis de moderación revelaron que solamente los estilos de afrontamiento de evitación moderaron la relación entre la presencia de estresores y el ajuste, aunque el efecto moderador fue diferente en función del tipo de estrategia de evitación empleada. Estos resultados contribuyen a esclarecer el posible efecto de las estrategias de evitación en la adaptación del adolescente a los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y la importancia de seguir profundizando en su estudio.
Response of coleoptiles to water deficit: growth, turgor maintenance and osmotic adjustment in barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.)  [PDF]
águeda González, Luís Ayerbe
Agricultural Sciences (AS) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/as.2011.23022
Abstract: Cereal crop improvement programmes involve the analysis of a great number of lines every year; the availability of a simple, rapid method that would allow the identification of a trait in the early stages of plant development would facilitate the selection process. This work reports two experiments involving the germination of seeds in Petri dishes, performed to study the effect of water deficit on the growth of barley coleoptiles. In one experiment water stress was induced by allowing evaporation from the Petri dishes; in the other water stress was achieved by adding polyethylene glycol 6000. The growth of the control coleoptiles was greater than that of the treatment coleoptiles in all cases, but with differences between the different genotypes. A significant correlation (P < 0.01) was found between the relative growth of the coleoptiles and turgor maintenance in the seedlings. Significant correlations were also seen between the relative growth of the coleop-tiles and the osmotic adjustment of the flag leaf (P < 0.05) and the grain weight (P < 0.01) in adult plants. The genotypes that showed the greatest relative growth also showed the greatest capacity for osmotic adjustment in the flag leaf and produced the greatest yields in experiments with adult plants. The results indicate that the growth of coleoptiles subjected to water deficit could be used as a selection criterion in breeding programmes designed to improve the tolerance of barley to drought.
Growth of Four Varieties of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals and Their Effects on Some Physiological Traits  [PDF]
águeda González, M. Carmen Lobo
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2013.49221

To evaluate the effect of zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr) on growth and selected physiological traits in barley, a greenhouse trial was performed using four barley varieties that were exposed to different concentration of these metals. The parameters quantified were growth, chlorophyll content, and chlorophyll fluorescence during three phenological stages: flag leaf, anthesis, and grain filling. The metal concentrations in both the plant and soil were also quantified. We determined that the varieties studied were more tolerant to Zn and Cd than to Cr. Treatment with Zn did not negatively affect growth, and only high concentrations of Cd decreased growth by approximately 4% to 8%. Plants treated with the highest Cr concentration stopped growing at the flag leaf stage. The amount of metal that accumulated in the plant increased with increasing metal concentration, and the highest amount of accumulated metal was recorded in the root and shoot. Both the plant height and dry weight were higher in the CB502 variety plants, followed by the Reinette, Pedrezuela, and Plaisant varieties. The same trend was observed for the chlorophyll content and fluorescence, with a significant correlation between the growth parameters and chlorophyll content (p < 0.001). Thus, we determined that barley has variability in the studied traits.

Políticas de Estado de Bienestar para la equidad
Navarro,Vicen?; Quiroga,águeda;
Gaceta Sanitaria , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0213-91112004000700024
Abstract: this article analyzes the evolution of public social expenditure in spain from 1991 to 2000. it includes the analysis of the total public social expenditure as well as four of its components: sickness/health care, invalidity/old age, survivors, family/children. expenditure is analyzed as a percentage of the gnp, and expenditure per capita in purchasing power units. this article shows that there has been an increase since 1993 in the deficit of the public expenditure on social protection in spain representing a divergence from the average expenditure in the ue. the article also analyzes the development of care services (child care and services for dependent elderly), due their impact on gender inequalities.
El falo, la abyección, la identidad: una lectura de "La calle Sarandí" de Silvina Ocampo
Anclajes , 2008,
Abstract: this article examines four works whose main characters are children who have undergone extreme experiences which will influence the development of their identities and their attitude towards the social rules of their time. these works are: "la calle sarandí" silvina ocampo 1937), "the snow queen" (hans christian andersen 18), alice's adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass (lewis carroll 1865 y 187, respectively). ocampo's short story is analysed in depth from the perspective of gender studies in order to support the idea that the author denounces the violence through which phallocentric power keeps its hegemony and how this violence is used to annihilate feminine subjectivity. next, this story is compared with andersen's and carroll's works to find out whether they are also critical of the social rules that shape the subjects' identities. as regards this, it is shown that only carroll and ocampo have similar characteristics that allow us to consider them both as part of the same literary tradition.
O diálogo e a participa??o em um conselho de saúde em Santa Catarina, Brasil
Wendhausen, águeda;Caponi, Sandra;
Cadernos de Saúde Pública , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2002000600016
Abstract: although we are accustomed to believing that dialogue must involve participation, actual practice shows that it can occur in different ways. in this study, conducted in a municipal health council in the state of santa catarina, brazil, the discursive mechanisms and strategies that appear as "obstacles" to this dialogue were analyzed, based on the minutes from 39 council meetings. dialogue remained absent even though the council was intended as a forum for participation. among the strategies, certain expressions which umberto eco refers to as "hypercodifications" were identified. such expressions apparently act to block any debate in the council. the hypercodifications identified in this study were expressions of technical, administrative, and political jargon. through these discursive strategies, the authors observed that language is used as a ruse, closing off possibilities for democratic interlocution, effectively cutting off dialogue. thus, there is little transitivity in the power wielded by various segments in the council, which ended up concentrating primarily in the government sector.
Relaciones de poder y democracia en los consejos de salud en Brasil: estudio de un caso
Wendhausen,águeda Lenita P.;
Revista Espa?ola de Salud Pública , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S1135-57272006000600009
Abstract: background: social participation is fundamental for the consolidation of the brazilian health reform, with the aim of promoting equity, universality and democratization of access to health, and the health councils are vital forums for its concretization. however, the authoritarian culture of our institutions makes effective participation in these organizations difficult. the objective of this work was to analyze the power relations which permeate the practices of a health council, seeking to understand discourse as a builder of participation in health. methods: a qualitative case study in a municipal health council in a brazilian town. the discourse analysis was carried out on the minutes of two management terms, legal documents, interviews and observation during meetings. results: the quantitative presence of the user representatives does not correspond to the quality of their participation. the governmental sector uses most of the speaking turns, establishing monological relations, based on the a lack of symmetry determined by level of education, professional training, social status of the councilors and the relations of knowledge and power present in the health institutions. we identify resistances coming from the user sectors and the health professionals. however, these are scattered, fragile and not very important. conclusions: the current practices that exist can, contrarily, go against democracy, for which is necessary to invest in the empowerment of councilors and users in the day-to-day reality of health care.
Causality in Science
Cristina Puente águeda
Pensamiento Matemático , 2011,
Abstract: Causality is a fundamental notion in every field of science. Since the times of Aristotle, causal relationships have been a matter of study as a way to generate knowledge and provide for explanations. In this paper I review the notion of causality through different scientific areas such as physics, biology, engineering, etc. In the scientific area, causality is usually seen as a precise relation: the same cause provokes always the same effect. But in the everyday world, the links between cause and effect are frequently imprecise or imperfect in nature. Fuzzy logic offers an adequate framework for dealing with imperfect causality, so a few notions of fuzzy causality are introduced.

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